Is it possible to mute right or left audio channel even with the spatialization turned on?

I’m trying to mute or control the volume of the right and left audio channels of the player and I want to keep spatialization but I can’t figure out how.
I tried separating the audio on the left channel but when the spatialization is turned on the audio still goes through the right audio channel as it is supposed to happen.

Hi @Ciyinei
Did you come up with a solution?
I need to do the same thing and hoped it was trivial… it seems it isn’t…

Sorry for the late response, probably you already found a solution, but I’ll share my solution anyways. We used WWise to manage the audio, and used a “trick” to separate the audio channels into left and right. Honestly I can’t remember the details of the technique, but it wasn’t too hard to do once we integrated the software with Unreal and learned how to use it.
Also, we found that is not possible to do this without an external software, at least with the latest version of Unreal Engine 4 (maybe it is possible now with metasounds in UE5, you’ll have to find out).
Hope this helps.
