You can probably do it all in blueprints, but you might end up needing a little C++.
Start with the most basic editor tutorials and work your way up from there.
Be aware that even a seemingly simply game will take a lot of work to complete. Most beginners underestimate the level of time and dedication required.
No I’m doing it by myself, and I’ve been using different game engines on and off again for the passed year now but drawn to unreal engine because of the blueprints.
Programming nope.
I know a little bit of art, I’ve been using blender but I only know how to create characters not backgrounds so kind of limited with that.
I’ve made a simple ball game in unity a few months back haha.
Yes I’ve used all three of those, unity game maker, rpg maker, tyrano builder, l.o.v.e clickteam, I’ve basically been trying everything even tried blender game engine using logic bricks but aren’t enough tuts on that.