Is it possible to make a "spline mesh" with actors instead of splines?

Bending actors seems like a desirable feature, specifically trigger actors. An example would be the pitlane in F-Zero, which bends along with a spline based track. Spline meshes, of course, deform actual meshes and nothing more.

I’m fairly new, and I’m not sure where too look other than spline meshes.

(The spline will be generated at runtime, so editor-only solutions won’t work.)


Hi DevbyMoonlight,

Yes absolutely it is - you can easily spawn any type of actors along a spline in Blueprint or c++.

Check out a tutorial, something like this:


Thanks for the help, but this solution unfortunately does not fully meet my needs. Spline meshes are bent or deformed to match the curvature of the spline and make smooth corners, like the racetrack in this video. The proposed solution just creates a row of solid actors, which is not what I need.

I basically need the racetrack in this video but made out of actors containing a racetrack mesh instead of just racetrack meshes.

(The purpose is that those actors would contain other logic, so some sections of the racetrack would have special functionality. This seems almost impossible any other way.)

No that video is showing you how to create actors rather than spline meshes - skip forward 30 seconds or so…

I’m about to release a product (rdBuildBuddy) where one of the tools is a spline based actor builder (It does both) - exactly what you’re after…

Yes, but it doesn’t bend them. It just creates a curved row of still very much rectangular barriers. I want the barriers themselves to become banana shaped. Spline meshes do that.

I’m curious about the build buddy - if it can actually make a road out of actors, I want it. :blush:

When you create your actor, make it’s parent the “Spline Mesh Actor” - that creates a SplineMeshComponent in your actor - it works then the same way as a SplineMeshComponent - you can set it’s forward axis and start and end etc.

To be honest - that works with any type of spline build tool if the spline build supports creating actors- not just mine…


I figured out what you were trying to tell me: instead of adding meshes to the spline, creating a row of actor instances along the spline and bending/begin/end them myself.

This does what I need! (Except the “F-Zero pitlane”, but I found a much better way by using materials) Thanks!

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