I would like to know if it’s possible to do a lean animation (lean left, and lean right) in Unreal Engine?
Here you can see an example:
Here is a screenshot leaning right:
Can you see the leaning left, and leaning right?
It’s done with Z and C. Lean left is pressing Z, and lean right is pressing C on the keyboard.
You can lean at the same time that you run left pressing A+Z, and lean while running right pressing D+C (many old games have this).
And you can lean left and right, while running forward pressing W.
And you can lean left or right, while running forward in diagonal pressing W+A+Z (running left, forward, leaning left) or W+D+C (running right, forward, leaning right).
Even you can lean in the opposite direction you are running, like W+A+C (running forward, to the left and leaning right), or W+D+Z (running forward, to the right and leaning to the left).
AWSD, is common just like in Counter Strike or any game. A is left, W is forward, S is backwards, D is right.
Basically, I want to assign the keyboard keys Z to lean left, and C to lean right (in a first person shooter), with the animation of the character.
Is this possible in Unreal Engine?