Is it possible to link two tiled landscapes in World composition?


I am trying to create a map with multiple biomes, and have two 4x4 tiled heightmaps, one for the Desert and one for a hills environment. I have imported both of them using World composition, however the problem arises as I try to link the two. I ideally want to leave just enough space between the two for me to be able to add just one tile that would be used to transition between the two biomes, a tile that would be hand sculpted. It appears to me that importing two different tiled landscapes creates two different levels altogether, thus making it impossible to match the edges of the transition tile to both ends of the two terrains (for example adding an adjacent tile to the hills landscape will make it impossible to flatten its edge at the end where it meets the desert one). I assume this behavior is due to the fact that these two landscapes exist in separate folders. Is there any solution to make two tiled landscapes act as part of the same greater level so that you can sculpt them both at the same time?

Hi there!