I am basically wondering how viable it is to use destructable meshes attached to characters. Like a shield or a shell for example. The problem I am having when doing this is that even if the mesh is attached to a bone it will detach when it wakes up and starts the physics simulation. I only want the chunks to detach (using depth so that the mesh does not shatter completely all at once).
The result I am looking for is for an enemy character to have, to use the shield example, a huge shield that the player can shoot to pieces while the enemy carries it.
Is this possible and if so is it realistic?
Hello Sigurd Cesar,
Destructibles cannot stay attached to anything that is not set to static when broken apart. If the asset it is attached to is set to static, you can set it to be able to stay attached but it doesn’t seem like that is what you’re aiming for as I imagine these characters will be moving.
Another option would be to use a pre-fractured mesh with multiple states. You could then give said mesh its own health variable which changes states based off the percentage of health remaining, making certain pieces fall off each time. This would also be more performant than using a destructible. The only downside is that it would be predictable and the same parts would fall off.
Hope this helps!
Thank you. I figured this was the case but it’s nice to get official confirmation. =)