Is it possible to import gLTF files without pressing import every time?

I have more than 500 gLTF file. But when i try to import them plugin asks me for some settings. I want them all same but i have to click import for each one and its impossible. Is there any way for import all with just one click?

In 5.1 we change the import pipeline and I think you can drag and drop your 500 gltf files (you will end up with all files in same folder :-/).

In any way you might also want to investigate doing a python script that will trigger as many import as necessary. And thus you can automate the folder in which you want put files and tweak imports in a smarter way.

Here is a sample that parse all ies file in a folder and import them in a single folder in UE
you can tweak it a bit to look for gltf in a folder hierarchy and import each gltf into its individual folder in UE.