Is it possible to get the world coordinates of a part of an object given the UV of it?

Assuming that there are no redundant UV data within the vertices, is it possible to do this? For example, say I want to get the world coordinates of a plane. If the given UV of this plane is (0.8, 0.5), I want to be able to retrieve the world coordinates that correspond to this UV.

In the case of a plane it would be simple, but what if it was a plane that was doing clothing simulation? I would like to know if there’s a generalized solution for these cases as well.

Hi Twilight0104,

You have to create spatial UVs that calculate it. I’ve got a tool on the marketplace that does it - rdMeshTools.

You can also get the spatial position of the mesh from a material by using “ObjectPosition”, but that doesn’t work correctly for static mesh instances.