Or is there any other way I can set a commonly-used variable?
for example:
I have this struct “A” and it is been used by most of the blueprint in the level
I want those blueprint to get variable from that
Or is there any other way I can set a commonly-used variable?
for example:
I have this struct “A” and it is been used by most of the blueprint in the level
I want those blueprint to get variable from that
Yes, your choice though. For variable just for during the level, make a GameState class, and for variables that will be persistent for the whole game then you want GameInstance. You set these in your GameMode after you make them and they are avialable pretty much whereever you need them.
It’s not appropriate to call something directly on the LevelBlueprint from something else. What you do if that’s what you need is make a Dispatcher and in your LevelBlueprint, right after EventBeginPlay bind a customevent to the dispatcher.
Ok I get your point, thanks a million