Is it possible to get Primative Collision from UStaticMeshComponent?

I have created a couple static meshes from BSP. From each of those I have created Simplified Collision (have tried Box, Sphere, Capsule). What I want to do is get the instance of these simplified collisions as FCollisionShape:Box, Sphere, Capsule, etc. I tried (UStaticMeshComponent*)ActorItr->GetComponentsByClass(UStaticMeshComponent::StaticClass())[a])->GetCollisionShape() but I think GetCollisionShape() is creating a new item that is always Box?

Hopefully someone can point me in the right direction.

~~~ Instanced PhysX Shapes ~~~

To get all of the instanced shapes of box,capsule,sphere,

I believe what you want is:

int32 SyncShapes = 0;
TArray<physx::PxShape*> CollisionShapes = YourPrimitiveComponent->BodyInstance.GetAllShapes(SyncShapes);

See PxShape.h for details

Relevant function in BodyInstance.h:

	 *	Utility to get all the shapes from a FBodyInstance 
	 *	Shapes belonging to sync actor are first, then async. Number of shapes belonging to sync actor is returned.
	TArray<physx::PxShape*> GetAllShapes(int32& OutNumSyncShapes) const;

**More Info**

**UE4 PhysX**

See my PhysX Wiki for working with PhysX code in UE4,_Integrating_PhysX_Code_into_Your_Project



Sorry for the late reply but this was exactly what I was looking for, thank you very much.

Now I am having issues trying to get the heightdata from Landscape. I thought I could do it just like the other Shapes:

for (TActorIterator<AStaticMeshActor> ActorItr(gi->GetWorld()); ActorItr; ++ActorItr)
		GEngine->AddOnScreenDebugMessage(-1, 50.f, FColor::Yellow, ActorItr->GetName());

		UStaticMeshComponent* collision;
		for (int32 a = 0; a < ActorItr->GetComponentsByClass(UStaticMeshComponent::StaticClass()).Num(); a++)
			collision = (UStaticMeshComponent*)ActorItr->GetComponentsByClass(UStaticMeshComponent::StaticClass())[a];

			TArray<physx::PxShape*> CollisionShapes = collision->BodyInstance.GetAllShapes(shapes);

			for (int32 shape = 0; shape < CollisionShapes.Num(); shape++)
				physx::PxShape* s = CollisionShapes[shape];
				physx::PxGeometryType::Enum gt = s->getGeometryType();
				switch (gt)
				case physx::PxGeometryType::Enum::eBOX:
				case physx::PxGeometryType::Enum::eCAPSULE:
				case physx::PxGeometryType::Enum::eSPHERE:
				case physx::PxGeometryType::Enum::eHEIGHTFIELD:
                                        ///NEVER GETS HIT

but the case for the eHeightField never gets hit. I was thinking this was because Landscape wasn’t inheriting from AStaticMeshActor. So I tried this:

for (TActorIterator<ALandscape> ActorItr(gi->GetWorld()); ActorItr; ++ActorItr)
		GEngine->AddOnScreenDebugMessage(-1, 50.f, FColor::Yellow, ActorItr->GetName());

		lprxy = (ALandscape*)*ActorItr;

		TArray<physx::PxShape*> CollisionShapes = lprxy->BodyInstance.GetAllShapes(shapes2);
		bi = lprxy->BodyInstance;

		GEngine->AddOnScreenDebugMessage(-1, 50.f, FColor::Blue, FString("Col Shapes: ").Append(FString::FromInt(CollisionShapes.Num())));

		for (int32 shape = 0; shape < CollisionShapes.Num(); shape++)
			physx::PxShape* s = CollisionShapes[shape];
			physx::PxGeometryType::Enum gt = s->getGeometryType();

but CollisionShapes var is always returning 0. So I am at a loss of how to get the PhysX heightfield data. Once I get the instance of it I can:

physx::PxHeightFieldGeometry heightFieldG = PxHeightFieldGeometry();
case physx::PxGeometryType::Enum::eHEIGHTFIELD:
					GEngine->AddOnScreenDebugMessage(-1, 50.f, FColor::Yellow, "HEIGHTFIELD");
					if (s->getHeightFieldGeometry(heightFieldG))
						bpterrain.Center = FPositionData(center.X, -center.Y, center.Z);
						bpterrain.LocalScale = FPositionData(localScale.X, localScale.Z, localScale.Y);
						bpterrain.Rotation = FPositionData(rotation.Yaw, rotation.Pitch, rotation.Roll);

						physx::PxHeightField* heightField = heightFieldG.heightField;

but I cannot get the instance. Any thoughts?

Hello, what includes do I need to add to be able to work with pxShape?

Apparently not that simple.

I’ve included the following and nothing works to allow me to dereference an object.

include “PhysXIncludes.h”
include “PhysxUserData.h”
include “Physics/PhysicsInterfaceCore.h”
include “PhysicsInterfaceDeclares.h”
include “Runtime/Engine/Private/PhysicsEngine/PhysXSupport.h”
include “Physics/PhysicsInterfaceTypes.h”
include “PhysicsGeometryPhysX.h”
include “PhysicsPublic.h”
include “ThirdParty/PhysX3/PhysX_3.4/Include/PxShape.h”

Does this not work?

#include <PxShape.h>

That alone does not seem to work.
In the end it is some combo of the previous I listed, Resharper and Intelisense are still reporting errors but they seem to be false because I have gotten it to compile despite nearly every physx:: object throwing an error. I’ll come back with specifics as I have them.

Intellisense is dumb, especially in large code bases. Only trust errors from the compiler, everything else is suspect and (more often than not) a false positive.