Is it possible to get all forces (or at least friction force) applied to an object?

I have a mesh of a player that simulates physics. I need to apply a force X to move it to point Y, like a ball into a basket. The thing is, I don’t know the magnitude of the force I need to apply. For example, I randomly choose a parameter and understand that if I apply force X, it doesn’t move because it lies on the floor and is affected by friction. If I apply 3X, everything is fine, and the mesh moves to the desired point. But since the mesh is subject to physics, like a ragdoll, it can fly in the air, bounce off walls, etc. When it is in the air, friction does not act on it, and therefore the force 3X becomes excessive, and it easily flies through the desired point due to inertia, and I have to apply the opposite (but smaller, depending on distance to the desired point) force to return it back to the desired point. In the end, the mesh begins to move around the desired point like a pendulum with damped oscillations.

And in general, it would be great to know all the forces applied to the object. Because sometimes (in other tasks), there are cases where the object instantly accelerates to the speed of light and flies off the map due to some unknown forces (for example, if there are blocking collisions inside one actor, etc.). Sometimes it is very difficult to understand what is affecting it and why it behaves like crazy.

The short answer is no, not without manually accounting for the little things that are not even exposed, or undocumented. However, depending on the application, there are some prediction nodes you might be able to take advantage of since doing all the math by hand can be overwhelming:

some unknown forces (for example, if there are blocking collisions inside one actor

This is due to the depenetration most likely - when simulating geometries intersect, the ejection mechanism will try to separate them and the end resulting is not always graceful. But it can be toned down - thread:

Alternatively, look into the new experimental Physics Control component. It’s a complex beast with a plethora of application and can offer a slightly different approach towards deterministic physics.

  • provide the end result targets - position, orientation, velocity, angular
  • the system will apply enough forces for the object to end up arriving at the desired targets providing you give it enough freedom to apply them
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