Is it possible to get all ActorFoliage with EditorUtilities?

[using UE 5.0.3]

For my Project(a Study) my Foliage has to be an Actor therefore I am using Actor Foliages to be able to paint on the Landscape. After all Foliage is set I need to configure the local Vis Degree inside each actor. (The Value cant be set random and has to stay the same between starts)

To make the process faster I created an Editor Utility Widget that collects all Actors from that class and sets the values with an algorithem. The algorithm needs an array with all placed AD_Actors. However this only worked with directly placed actors and not with the painted Actor Foliage. Is there a way to get all placed ActorFoliage with Editor Utilities?

I found the Get Instanced Foliag Actor node in the documentation, but cant find a way to add it to my BPs.