Is it possible to get a location as a client sees it, and replicate it to the server?

I’m making a physics-based multiplayer game, and it might seem stupid considering how bad UE4’s physics replication is, but i’ve got it working kinda smooth, except i’ve got one tiny issue i would like to fix. you can pick up and drop items in the game using a physics constraint.

When the client releases an item it isn’t exactly synced with the server, and thats to avoid stuttering, as it is important, that the client gets a smooth experience when handling the items. So i’ve made it so, when the item hits a surface with a low velocity it syncs to the server again, but that makes the item snap into place for the client that was just holding the item, if the location isn’t the same as the servers.

Is it possible to get the location as the client sees it, and then sync that location to the server and the other clients, rather than getting the location as the server sees it, and replicating that to all clients? It is a blueprint actor held by a playercharacter.

It is possible, i figured it out.

Thanks for sharing the solution… it’s a great contribution to the community