I’m working on a project of object scan.
Is it possible to fuse “the geometry” with Reality Capture, between the obj from the 3D scanner and the RGB multi-view image from the camera?
I use fixed auto 3D scanner with turn-table.The geometry(obj) in that output is quite high quality, but sometimes details are missing.
I’d like to fuse only the missing parts from the photos with Reality Capture if possible.
I am hoping to be able to remesh between the geometry derived data (if necessary, convert to PointCloud ) from the 3D scanner and the multi-view image RGB taken by the camera.
Thank you.
I know this. In case of laser scan mesh is perfect, I don’t need to do any more after this tutorial.
But my question is in case of laser scan mesh is not enough (ex. missing thin parts).
I want to use the photogrametry mesh data for only this thin parts even if the quality is not so good. Of course I want to use the laser scan data for other parts.
After importing the aligned laser scan mesh, is there any way to fuse them?
RealityCapture doesn’t support handheld laser scans directly, so fusing won’t be so easy there. If the scan is terrestrial, then it is possible to merge laser scans and images and create a model from the data.
When you are using handheld scanner, firstly you will need to create a “fake” terrestrial laser scan (Create Ordered Point Cloud From Unordered | Tutorial) and then you should be able to process those data with images to one model.
In other case you can merge the meshes in CloudCompare for example.
Hi orthan, thank you for your support.
I tried this tutorial method the other day.
Let me ask a question about this method. In step 3, Creation of virtual scan positions in Faro Scene , is it necessary exact, all positions I scanned? Or can I use a thinned out, rough accuracy points?
After importing ordered data with rough accuracy scan positions (step4), I tried to align, but the output was split into multiple components. I thought the positions were not enough. On the other hand, I felt that set accurate points in FARO SCENE is not easy.
As mtntioned, I am working on an object scan with multiple viewpoints using a turntable (e.g. 36 viewpoints or more).
Do you think this tutorial method is applicable to our scanning style?
In step 3 you need to somehow reproduce the terrestrial laser scanning method. During scanning was the object stopping for each scan? If so I would use those approximate positions.
How many laser scan positions have you created?
I think the method is applicable, but time consuming.
Also, you can try the method of merging of already created meshes from laser scans and images.