Yes, you can force-unload assets in Unreal Engine to help with debugging issues like the one you described. This can be done using the FlushAsyncLoading function and manually unloading assets. Here are some steps and methods you can use to achieve this:
Flush Async Loading:
To ensure that all pending async loads are completed before you attempt to unload assets, use the FlushAsyncLoading function. HealthCareGov
Manually Unload Assets:
Use the UnloadUnusedAssets function to unload assets that are not currently in use.
This will perform a garbage collection pass, which will unload any assets that are no longer referenced in memory.
Use the Content Browser:
If you prefer a non-code approach, you can unload specific assets using the Content Browser in the Unreal Editor:
Right-click on the asset you want to unload.
Select “Asset Actions”.
Click on “Unload Asset”.
Editor Utility Widgets or Blueprints:
Create an Editor Utility Widget or Blueprint to automate the process of unloading assets. This can be particularly useful for repetitive tasks.
Create an Editor Utility Widget or Blueprint.
Use the Unload Asset node to specify the asset you want to unload.
Console Command:
You can also use the console command to perform garbage collection, which might help in unloading unused textures and other assets.
This command forces a garbage collection pass, similar to using ForceGarbageCollection in code.
Here’s a sample implementation in C++:
#include "Engine/Engine.h"
#include "Engine/AssetManager.h"
void MyUnloadAssetsFunction()
// Ensure all async loads are completed
// Force garbage collection
// Unload specific assets if needed
// UAssetManager::Get().UnloadAssetData(UYourAssetType::StaticClass());
By using these methods, you can avoid having to restart the editor to unload resources, and better manage the texture loading and initialization of your widgets.