is it possible to downgrade from 4.27 to 4.24.3

I want to use the product template from 4.26/27 and later export it in html5 format but that’s possible on the 4.24 and it currently doesn’t have any template for it so I decided to try and see if it’d recognize the content from newer versions and it didn’t

so is there any easier way to do it ?

In theory you can right click your uproject file and choose switch engines picking 4.23.3 but there were rather significant changes in the engine around 4.27.

It’s not a sure process & might fail (usually easier to migrate up than down)

Hey there @FiresfistAce! As Raven had mentioned, you could try to downgrade via that method, but there were some massive engine changes between 4.27 and 4.24 that would likely cause larger issues. I do encourage you to give it a try however in the hopes the project was simple enough and uses nothing the engine had changed in the meantime. If it does fail, you would have to manually port the project back, which if it’s mostly C++ would be cake, however blueprints could pose a more manual problem.

Hello, so actually downgrading engine version is very hard to achieve, because uassets has coded in version and they can’t be opened in a project with lower version. There is quite useful article: How to downgrade Unreal Engine assets · Daniel Coelho's Blog but you will need to check every single asset. I tested it once for my project and it didn’t work for all assets, some of them had version hex in different places.

Also even if you get that, getting UE4 project to work on html5 is just a pain (even with 4.24 version). If you want to do html5 project I would recommend looking into different engine as UE is just not a good choice for that.