Is it possible to display Control Rig debug drawings in playing view port?

Some debug drawing nodes, especially the Draw Transform node, makes an important role to help correct animations in runtime. Is it possible to show these nodes inside playing viewport instead of the control rig viewport only?


Using the command a.AnimNode.ControlRig.Debug 1 in the cmd window seems to work for debugging display in playing viewport.
I have confirmed it works in the Stack-o-bot project in UE5.02.

This tweet is helpful.


This option seem broken in UE5.2? Any update on it?

for UE5.3 you should activate ControlRig.EnableDrawInterfaceInGame 1 too.


None of the console commands worked for me(. I am on 5.3

Make sure you’ve run both of these:
ControlRig.EnableDrawInterfaceInGame 1
a.AnimNode.ControlRig.Debug 1
This worked for me.


It is also not working for my on 5.3.

I have run both of those console commands ( both before and after pressing play). I have also printed the location what I am trying to draw, just to make sure I am not confusing World, global and local space.

Works fine in the control rig editor viewport though.