Hi there, I am a c++ developer, specifically focused on mesh deformation. I have been trying to figure out the pipeline for implementing custom deformation on a skeletal mesh within unreal. From what I can see, there is no way of using c++ libraries to do this, unless the engine code is significantly adjusted.
Is there any future plans to implement a future api to allow custom runtime deformation? A great example of this in autodesk maya, you have access to ‘deformer’ nodes, which allow direct access and manipulation of runtime geometry.
A feature like this is great for developers, as it allows easy implementation of libraries onto already existing assets.
I have read through some examples of mesh processing through multiple methods :
- GitHub - TriAxis-Games/RuntimeMeshComponent-Examples: Basic examples for RuntimeMeshComponent v4 and up!
- Interactive Mesh Processing with libigl in Unreal Engine 4.24 — gradientspace
but these methods only apply to a static mesh.
It would be great to have some thoughts on this, and point out if there are any easier ways of doing this? Also if it is known if there are any plans to implement a more straightforward method for runtime mesh deformation?