Is it possible to create a multi-step animation where objects are connected to multiple translators? Also, is there a way to delay the start of an animation?

For example, I need to create an animation that has the following steps:

  1. two wires connect to a box from the left
  2. those wires and the box both travel 2" to the right to connect to another box
  3. two wires come down from the top at the same time as a latch rotating closed between boxes

Steps 1-3 all need to happen sequentially as opposed to all at the same time. Right now, I can only get step one to work. From what I can tell, there's no way for me to follow up that animation by having the two wires and the box move to the right together, followed by the remaining animations.

If I create a new key frame and move the wires and box over, they will start in that position in the first key frame instead of animating between the two.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Hi ,

For multi-step animations, your best bet will likely be to use scene states, where each step of the animation has its own scene state. You can't delay the start of an animation, which makes creating a sequence of animations all in one go difficult or impossible, so scene states let you bypass that by isolating each animation to the scene state.

Once your scene states are set up, you will have three separate animations in three separate scene states, which you can splice together in a video to create a smooth animation.

For more info on working with scene states, you can review the documentation here.

