I want to create a game like agar.io, where you consume things and grow bigger. This is my first project and i was wondering if it was overreaching.
i dont know
I checked out
Only watched about 2 mins to get the idea of how it played out.
Yes that is very possible, making stuff get bigger and smaller is not that hard in runtime, you just need to make sure you take in all the variables, not just the size.
Have not played it, so not sure of controls. So can not say much there.
There are a million of tutorial out there on Youtube. First up, get the basics down pat. Work out movement and controls. Scaling things up and down. Look at the different type of game types, Top Down, Side Scroller, 1st Person, etc.
Then you can come back with more detailed questions.
Some of my favorites on youtube are
jevinscherries - YouTube (Devin Sherry)
Peter L. Newton - YouTube (Peter L. Newton)
I will see if I can find it.
This tutorial, will get you stated in the basics.
After that, you can then look in to AI for the other circles and their movement.
Hope this helps.
For ball movement example
[UE4 Bouncing Ball and Dynamic Color Change | Blueprint Tutorial by Devin Sherry