Is it possible to convert MD5 on blueprint?

I want to send data’s as MD5 without any plugin. Is there any way to do it?

Thank you.

By MD5, do you mean the old-school Id Tech engine animated character file format, or do you mean the old-school cryptographic checksum format?

For the character mesh format, there’s no way to parse that data and build a dynamic skinned mesh using only blueprints – you’ll have to write some C++ to make that work.

Oh sorry, I meant (Message-Digest algorithm 5) old-school cryptographic checksum format :smile_cat:

Unfortunately, and perhaps humorously, the answer is the same: There’s no blueprint support for this, you have to write some C++.
Or find some plugin that already exports this to blueprint – maybe one exists on the marketplace?
A quick search finds exactly one, named “Crypto Helper Blueprints,” for $24.99: GitHub - RLoris/CryptoHelperDoc: UE plugin to handle cryptographic algorithm

Also: Anywhere you use MD5 these days, you probably want to either use a weaker, faster algorithm (CRC or FNV or whatever,) or an actually-strong algorithm. Paying for MD5 when it’s now trivially breakable is generally a poor trade-off. The current recommendation in cryptography is to use SHA-256 if space/time is limited, or SHA-512 if you want it to last.


Hmm… I undersood now.
Thank you for your time.