Is it possible to close UMG widgets with escape?

Ok, I have an UMG widget I want to close when the player clicks on the escape key.

One important thing to note: After I add the widget to the viewport, I call the “SetInputMode UIOnly” in order to have proper mouse focus (to avoid this issue).

Because of that, the usual Action Input Events I have in my character blueprint don’t work anymore.

I found this Thread, in which Darnell said: “In 4.4 input is kind of broken”.
Is this still the case?

How would I utilize the power of UE4 to register a keystroke and close a menu?

Since nobody answered here, I decided to ask the unreal subreddit. Maybe someone there has a clue.

You need to implement an OnKeyDown event within the widget. I’m attaching 2 screens to demonstrate.

First implement the on key down function, then add a check inside the function to determine if the keypress is ESC.



That’s it!

One more comment:

I seem to run into problems when the root widget is a canvas panel. Once I click on it, the function isn’t triggered anymore. But when I wrap the canvas panel in a border widget, everything works fine.

Hey Deventico, I thought perhaps this would solve my issue, but it seems it’s not possible to wrap a root canvas in a border widget…

Your widget must have focus for the function to trigger, uncheck focusable for anything that might steal it like buttons etc, and finally set your root to focusable.