I’m creating a device and I need the constructions within a certain area that were built by a player to change ownership to another player through an action (like pressing a button). This way, the original owner of the constructions won’t be able to edit them anymore, only the player who now owns the constructions in that area. Can someone help me by saying if this is possible and how, or if it’s not possible, then I should give up on this idea.
Pretty sure this is impossinle
That’s what I thought, @JamieDeGamie. But if it were possible, it could be possible to do some cool things in certain games. Thanks for the response.
I don’t know if you’re still working on this, but I think it may be possible if you change the teams of the players.
If player1 is now in the team of player2 he can edit his builds, so after that change player2 to something like team 3 or any other.
I’m not sure it will work though.
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