Is it possible to draw a spline on a map, then click on a button, or change a variable like “splinePoints” and change the number of splines points without lossing the the spline shape and location, inside the constructor?
I haven’t tested it, but theoretically you can get points along the spline in equal intervals, save them to an array, clear the spline, and build it from scratch using the saved points. But I’m not sure it will have the exact shape; I think it will be slightly different.
dont you just select the end point and alt drag?
That could work. I will try that.
Perhaps adding static meshes along the spline with the distance that I want and save their locations to use for the new spline points.
Well, but it is almost impossible to have the same distance between points manually.
if you use spline mesh instead of spline component it won’t deform I think, and each seg will be equal
i think
I saw videos where people use points at distance along the spline instead of actual spline points to build the spline meshes, but I personally couldn’t make it work for some reason.
I just want to somehow smooth the spline points distance making them the same, more or less. And after that from the splines, I just need to get location of the spline points after smoothing.
Also, I just tried the storing, cleaning and reading the spline points, and it almost works. The spline keeps it shape, but its points change location and rotation.
The locations seams to be right, because I tried adding a cube static mesh for each new calculated location, and they all appear at the right position. But when I try to use those same locations and create new spline points, the points appear at the wrong places.
Before applying the reshaping:
After applying the reshaping:
My blueprint:
The CalculateLocation… Macro:
I just found the problem. The last node “Add Spline Point” had its coordinate space to World, instead of Local. Changing to Local fixed the problem, and now all the points show up right.