Is it possible to change how navmesh pathfinding behaves?

Late Answer:
You can use FNavMeshPath::OffsetFromCorners for this. But it is now available in blueprints.

There is an example in ANavigationTestingActor::SearchPathTo function.

FPathFindingResult Result = NavSys->FindPathSync(NavAgentProps, Query, Mode);

    const double EndTime = FPlatformTime::Seconds();
    const float Duration = (EndTime - StartTime);
    PathfindingTime = Duration * 1000000.0f;            // in micro seconds [us]
    bPathIsPartial = Result.IsPartial();
    bPathExist = Result.IsSuccessful();
    bPathSearchOutOfNodes = bPathExist ? Result.Path->DidSearchReachedLimit() : false;
    LastPath = Result.Path;
    PathCost = bPathExist ? Result.Path->GetCost() : 0.0f;

    if (bPathExist)

** if (OffsetFromCornersDistance > 0.0f)

You can also find variable **bUseBetterOffsetsFromCorners (**use it by changing BaseEngine.ini) - but i don’t know what it does exacly.

/** TODO: switch to disable new code from OffsetFromCorners if necessary - remove it later */
    uint32 bUseBetterOffsetsFromCorners : 1;

But 2 warnings:

  1. It’s not cheap (you can use STAT_Navigation to see how exepnsive it is)
  2. In 4.17 (i was using it then) version there was a bug - not sure if it’s fixed. In 99.9% OffsetFromCorners worked as expected but in very rare occasions when there was long path to change, after using this function the path was broken - it could lead pawn in areas without navmesh.