Hello, I was wondering if it’s possible to convert the assets generated by a PCG graph into individual assets. For example, I have used a PCG graph to distribute a bunch of rocks. Is it possible to break these rocks away from the PCG graph into individual rocks that I can select and edit individually? I know I can clear the PCG link to create a PCG stamp but can I break them out to individual assets?
I have no idea what you are using - but the concept is the same on everything;
You have some generator, it places stuff you tell it to place around.
The end result is always the same - a set of item transforms containing both world location, rotation, and scaling.
These values can either be in an excel like document somewhere, or applied to the object(s) you used within the generator.
I have yet to see anything that works any other way - and that’s because to place items around you need that transform data…
So, long story short:
Break down your scene and check to see if you have direct acess to items via either an HISM they are placed in, or whatever else is instancing stuff under the hood.
At worse, write a quick level blueprint to iterate manually though the collection and output the location transforms as a print string.
Once you see the list of stuff coming up on tick or on begin play or however you are testing it, change the script to be a bluetility.
And instead of outputting values via print string, just apply the transform(s) to a manually selected HISM where you effectively add and distribute meshes around.
To note:
Some stuff will allow you to just bake or single right click > convert to meshes
Or something similar.
When they do not, you can still force them…
In the rarest of occurrence where the system used is intelligent and good enough to generate a single mesh, you can just hack into the system itself, and print out the list of transforms in a comma separated style output.
With it, you can create a bluetility to place static meshes or your own HISM just the same.
This also works on foliage, which is a HISM with special characteriatics… you just need to dig a bit deeper to place things in it is all.
Use “Spawn Actor” instead of “static mesh spawner”. then add a static mesh actor to it, as shown in the image.