Is It Possible To Assign An Instance To A Level Sequence?


So, say we have a Blueprint, and we have multiple instances of that Blueprint in the level. Say that Blueprint is a vehicle that uses the Level Sequence to animate itself.

Usually the Sequencer will need to assign an actor to be animated. But if you have copies (instances) of that actor, how exactly would you go about assigning them so there’s no conflict when the Sequencer calls for the actor?

I hope this is clear. I’m not confident I explained what I need well enough.

Yes with the add Track(while pre-selecting the actor from the level map will show on top list).
Dragging an actor from level map to sequencer will take an instance actor.
Dragging a class from content browser to sequencer will create a spawn actor(a :zap: zap icon will be mark on it)

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I may be confused. Not sure though.

What I meant is, is it possible for a single Level Sequence to be used by multiple instanced actors? Or will I need a separate Level Sequence for each actor?

To be clear, the actor calls/creates a Level Sequence Player from their respective Blueprint.

An example is that the Level Sequence below is assigned to BP_NYC_Train. BP_NYC_Train calls this Level Sequence to start moving.

But what happens when I place another BP_NYC_Train? If the second BP_NYC_Train calls the Level Sequence function, will the Level Sequence control the first train or the second?

That’s why I’m wondering if I need to make entirely new Level Sequences for each instance.

This concern arose because I accidentally called the Level Sequence for BP_NYC_Train in a different Blueprint actor, and the Level Sequence took control of the train from the wrong Blueprint.

This will have to be tested but i believe if you do “Create Level Sequence Player”

from each actor, it will create it own sequencer instance.
So that BP_Train0 will create SequencerTrain_0 and
BP_Train1 will create SequencerTrain_1

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This is what I was suspecting, but I wanted to ask.

In the next few days to a week, I’ll get around to testing it and let you know.

I HOPE this is the case, because it would make creating a traffic system much easier.

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So I finally got around to testing this, and unfortunately this is not the case:


It seems that the sequencer is uniquely bound to an actor.

I need to do more research, because I’m positive there’s a solution to the Level Sequencer creating instances in some way.


So, it appears I wasn’t using the right term. The correct term is “rebinding” for the Level Sequences:

(NOTE: You do NOT need both nodes. I just showed them for demonstration. Either will do.)

You have to get the current bind of the Level Sequence and add or reset it. But, to be honest, I don’t see any real difference between “Add Bind” and “Set Bind”. I know there is, but I’d need for EPIC to disambiguate the difference for me.

(NOTE: These are two DIFFERENT Blueprints, both with multiple instances using ONE Level Sequence.)

Now to (eventually) tackle the camera issue you were helping me with, subsequent.