I would like to use the Movie-Render-Queue functionality to capture high-res images. I want the camera to jump to a new position in a sequence captured from in-game footage. But in the Movie Render Queue the camera interpolates between these positions to make a rather smooth transition between the shots. Can I have the Camera jump in between every frame to a new position? Thank you!
Edit: I just realized that the issue probably relates to the Take Recorder and the resulting Sequence and not the Movie Render Queue. But the issue still persists, how can I manipulate the Sequence or the Take Recorder Settings so that I can follow my frequent (every frame) camera jumps?
Thank you, that is indeed a solution for the camera! I would have two follow up questions:
Is there a setting in the Take Recorder which automatically outputs Constant Snapped Sequences, so that I don’t have to manipulate them afterwards?
Is it possible to do the same for Skeletal Animations in a Sequence?
Unfortunately, no. There’s no options to record with different interpolation. You can switch it manually afterwards or access the keys with Python/blueprint scripting. Here’s some docs on that: UE4 Sequencer Python Cookbook