…As the title states… is it possible to add an internet radio signal into a blueprint??
Like, making a radio with a few stations using internet radio stations, and make this play ingame?
1 Country (link to and play Kiss Country)
2 Rock (link to and play Kiss Rock)
3 Classic (link to and play Kiss Classic)
You could do this via the web browser widget. It’s experimental, so you have to manually enable it in the “Plugins” menu.
The web browser widget allows you to load a URI/URL which could point to the playlist. The website would need to host a player that plays that audio stream. The stream itself will have to be in a format that is supported by the Chromium Embedded Web Browser which is the browser used in UE4. I’m not sure which formats are supported, but that’s how I’d start.
Here’s a blueprint of that web browser. Add a web browser to your UI in the corner and you could add buttons that load different URLs pointing to the stations you want. You could also add buttons that close the browser when you want to turn off the radio.
Alternatively there is the media framework which supports streams over url that covers certain features that CEF will not.
VLC embed is also an option for wider support of codecs, but beware the licencing issues!
CEF can also be extended with the prop codecs, tho it also raises licencing considerations. CEF Forum • ffmpeg license and legal considerations
Listening to a free radio VS implementing it into your game are two very distinct use cases, and you will likely be required a signed permission from the radio stations to make it legally valid to implement their streams into your game.