Is it possible call "Datasmtih Export" plugin in navisworks's custom plugin?

I am creating a plugin in navisworks manage 2022. Can I call the “Datasmtih Export” plugin within my custom plugin?

Hi tak_Iam !

Here’s an example snippet of C# to export a Datasmith scene using your own plugin :

PluginRecord Record = Autodesk.Navisworks.Api.Application.Plugins.FindPlugin("DatasmithNavisworksExporter.EpicGames");
Plugin Plugin = Record.LoadPlugin();
string[] Params = { @"C:\temp\test.udatasmith", "Merge=3", "Origin=10, 20.0, 300"};
Plugin.GetType().InvokeMember("Execute", System.Reflection.BindingFlags.InvokeMethod, null, Plugin, Params);

Hope this helps !


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Hi ,

Thank you for the replay. I can call the plugin now. Can I save the model automictically with this popup?


is it possible save the model automictically?

If you want to automate the export, you will need to use the Autodesk.Navisworks.Api.Application.Automation.ExecuteAddInPlugin method of Navisworks.



Hi ,

I tried 2 case, but both are not ok.
case 1: without params
result: err message requires target path

case 2: with params
result: still have save popup box


Hi ,

Any suggestion?


Hey tak_Iam,

I checked with our dev team, and exporting (with a path and no Explorer window) with our plugin from another plugin is actually not currently supported.

You can currently either export with the Explorer window using the snippet I sent you, or use Python and run Navisworks using the “automation” api to avoid the dialog.

We will be looking into adding that functionality in the plugin in the future. :slight_smile:


Hi ,

Is there any example to call “Datasmtih Export” plugin with python?


Hi tak_Iam,

This snippet of python should get you started :

import sys

import clr

# add location of navisworks assembly dlls
sys.path.append(r'C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Navisworks Manage 2022')

# Add Navisworks assemblies

from Autodesk.Navisworks.Api import *
from Autodesk.Navisworks.Api.Automation import *

navisworks_app = NavisworksApplication()  # Create an app instance

source_fpath = r'C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Navisworks Manage 2022\Samples\snowmobile.nwd'

navisworks_app.OpenFile(source_fpath, [])

print(f'Exporting {source_fpath}...', end='')
if 0 == navisworks_app.ExecuteAddInPlugin('DatasmithNavisworksExporter.EpicGames', [
    'Merge=8',  # merge hierarchies up to depth 8
    'Origin=10, 20.0, 300.0',  # origin location

navisworks_app.Dispose()  # exit app
# Or keep open (say, need to review app console output for debugging)
# navisworks_app.StayOpen()


Is there any updates on this plugin? Tho python does work, it is still needed to manually trigger a python script (the python terminal is externally installed as a plugin too). Is it still impossible to avoid the save file dialogue? It will be very helpful if it works. Many thanks.