Is it normal for UE to crash because all those videos i seen it doesnt crash a single time but my ue4 crashes all time after like a hour help pls
No this is not normal. You should provide more information if you want some further help.
Where does it crash? In the editor? While testing your game? Do you use C++ or Blueprint only?
Do you have some logs?
I use blueprint even tho i have c++ installed for packaging its unreal 4.27.5 btw it crashes when im doing something like editing animations blueprints etc
How can i send you the logs?
Why should you send me something directly? I’m simply only a forum user. Post your logs here in the forum and perhaps someone can help you. Furthermore you can report bugs on the unreal engine page.
There are 3 quite common causes of crash.
- memory leak that was thing in the past, however recently they fixed them all. But you still can cause it by doping some stupid things like forcefully deleting referenced actors, or doing cyclic dependency things or messing with project in a way that it was not foreseen.
- giving engine wrong pointers (that is mainly in C++) but i think it is possible to create that in BP also.
- something in your PC overheats.
Crashing may be also caused if there is not enough of ram and you opened huge project.
If that project is C++ i am almost certain that there is some lonely pointer somewhere that you sometimes change to wrong value.
How much RAM does your computer have?
If less than 64 GB of RAM, it’s quite possible you’re just running out of resources.