Is it me, or is Twinmotions method of saving files insane?

Hey, I'm hoping someone may be able to shed some light on what is a very annoying problem for me. Using TM's downloadable assets exponentially increases a filesize.

I get this all the time and it really puts me off using anything outside of the assets directly loaded into TM.


  • I have just finished creating a full 5 bed house, inside and outside within TM, plus all of the necessary exterior items. The .tm file is currently 14.8mb.
  • I add a table that requires downloading from the non-default library, press save and suddenly my 14.8mb file is over 400mb! I then choose an HDRI (not the preloaded default one) and then the file becomes 520mb. Each time I switch HDRI the filesize increases by 100ish Mb.

While space isn't really an issue these days, waiting 30+ seconds per save is! This applies to any asset, be it Quixel, HDRI's or any other downloaded models.

It would seem that the downloaded items are stored within the file, rather than referenced to like all of the preinstalled library. It just makes any model untenable and limits me to the basic library, or bringing stuff in from my modelling package instead.

The other annoying thing is there's no way back. If I have that downloaded table model placed, even if I delete it, the file remains at that size. Why isn't there a purge function?

Tl; dr

  1. Can I purge unused assetts from a model?
  2. Is there any way to use downloaded assets and keep my file size small?


Hello ,

Thank you for posting in the community regarding the file size. We are actively working on improving this and how assets are handled.

At this time there is a bug/limitation with the Skydomes that increases the file size for each individual Skydome placed. You can reference this in this article here:

The more assets you download the longer it takes to open and close Twinmtion, this can include saving a file. Thus keep the Quixel and Hdri library small and if it gets too big just removing the assets is recommended currently. You won't have to redownload them unless you need to place them in a new file or scene.

There is no way to purge unused items, other then deleting them from the scene graph. You can also remove unused materials from the Thumbnail gallery view, as those won't have a check-mark.

Screenshot 2022-04-14 160949

In regards to the overall file size and how assets are handled I recommend you post your issue/request in the road-map:

Hope this helps and let me know if you have any follow-up questions.

Kind regards,

Vincent B.

Thanks Vincent.

The blowing up of filesizes for Quixel/Skydomes etc has now been fixed with TwinMotion 2022.2 Preview 1. Great jobs guys, thanks!

