Is it bug about random stream in blueprint UE 5.4?

I want to use random stream for appearing random positioning children BP actors when each play.
a random stream work in a blueprint normally, however random stream doesn’t work when blueprint are as children actors.
For example, there is a parent BP with no stream, children BP with random stream.
UE 5.3 is working each children actors random stream as random position with same initial seed.
UE 5.4 is working children actors as same position with same initial seed.

I haven’t found why, and another ways. Even I use node random float instead of random float from stream. It is just plan B in my work and different scenes in each play.

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It sounds a bit like it wasn’t working correctly in 5.3, actually.

If each child actor has a random stream with the same seed, they will all use the same positions. That’s what a stream is supposed to do.

If you want them all in different positions, the you can put the stream in the parent, and pass the positions to the children.

Note: you only need to use a stream at all, if you want the random positions to be repeatable. Otherwise, you can just use a random value node.

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