Is it allow to use a input from other event on same event graph?

The Blue highlighted node is what I’m asking.

I have a event node which is binding another event.
And let me call the upper one as ‘parent’ because it binds the later one.
The child event will not called earlier to parent.
Does that design is allowed in UE?
At least it does not raise any errors on editor and I can’t afford to test it right now cause there’s so many dependencies to resolve.

Ugh. It’s clearly allowed yet I wouldn’t recommend it - this is something that can manifest in an ugly way further down the line when you least expect it, creating a little debugging nightmare.

I’d assign it to a variable. At least, it’d always be valid even if potentially stale.

It’s somewhat similar to this pseudo-script example:

It’s going to return null at some point.

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Ok I’ll make a variable to hold that. Thanks