Is is possible return reference to folder selected in content browser with Python?

Hi, to return selected asset I use

 selected = unreal.GlobalEditorUtilityBase.get_default_object().get_selected_assets() 

But when I try to get reference to folder, returned array empty.
Please help me, how can I return reference to folder selected in content browser with Python?

Are you looking to get which folder the selected assets are in?

selected_assets = unreal.EditorUtilityLibrary.get_selected_assets()
asset = selected_assets[0]
directory_for_asset = unreal.Paths.get_path(asset.get_path_name())

Thank You **andreas.ranman **for reply.
No, I am looking for method that return me selected folder as path (string or any other type), without selecting any assets just folder.

I made a post asking this same question over 4 months ago:

Sadly, no answer yet.

If you can call some C++ code this could help:

TArray<FString> Folders;
FContentBrowserModule& ContentBrowserModule = FModuleManager::LoadModuleChecked<FContentBrowserModule>("ContentBrowser");
IContentBrowserSingleton& ContentBrowserSingleton = ContentBrowserModule.Get();

I’ve been thinking a lot about this
using c++ class solved the problem
This is a related link []
hope it was helpful