I’m curious if it’s possible to use an iPhone to control the action on an iPad. For reference, I’m thinking of the iOS Scrabble implementation where each player has their tiles displayed on their iPhone and the main game board is on an iPad between them. On a player’s turn, they swipe their tiles towards the iPad board and them play them by interacting with the iPad.
I’m assuming that’s not likely to be an out of the box solution, but wondering if someone knows a way it may be possible with BP.
Use online subsystem NULL (a setting in the .ini file(s) ),
and have the iPad Create a Session in LAN mode.
iPhones or other devices (really any kind of device SHOULD work though I’ve been having trouble with Android)
can Find Sessions on that Local Area Network (LAN mode).
You can use one of those Session objects from the Find Sessions blueprint node to Join Session.
Joining a Session will make the device load whatever level the Host device is on.
From there, the interaction will rely on you properly designing the blueprints or C++ to have the Clients tell the Server what they want to do, and then have the Server make it happen and then tell all the other devices that it happened, as Clients cannot see each other or tell each other what to do, only the Server can. (attempts to break away from this pattern are silently ignored by the engine).
There are lots of other ways to do network and even bluetooth traffic, but the one I described is the most “built-in” way and the best-documented.