I even stuck a debugger bit (return to main menu, since I haven’t yet figured out how to print data to the screen) right next to the node, and as long as it says Any Key, it doesn’t fire – the branch is always false no matter which key I press.
Am I using this wrong? It picks up on keys the minute I give it a specific key, but what I want to do is know if the user is pressing no keys at all. I just put together a huge mess of branches and function calls to see which direction keys are being pressed, and I want to skip that entire check if it’s pointless because no keys are being pressed. Since I’m calling the function from the Any Key Pressed/Released thing, it’s possible that the last key has been let go, and I want to avoid running a long series of calculations every time that happens, since I can in one check tell the computer it’s pointless.
Is there some other way to do this?