i’ve finished packaging my game to windows 32 bit. it working fine in my computer, but when i copy it to my friend computer and ask him to try it, it said missing some dll file and even the prerequisite file are installed it always says missing some dll file. anyone know how to fix this?
Hey Wyn-90,
Please review our packaging documentation, so that you can set up your project correctly for distribution to your friends.
- [Packaging Projects][1]
- [Packaging and Cooking Games][2]
- [Releasing Your Project][3]
Hopefully this information helps. If you still run into trouble, please upload some additional information, or even logs or screenshots so I can help you further.
Packaging Unreal Engine Projects | Unreal Engine 5.1 Documentation
[2]: Packaging and Cooking Games in Unreal Engine | Unreal Engine 5.1 Documentation
[3]: Preparing Unreal Engine Projects for Release | Unreal Engine 5.1 Documentation
Sorry for late respon to your answer, i’ve already repackage my game and i’m not able to try it in another computer, so i don’t know if it work or not in another computer. As soon as i get to try it in another computer i will inform you.
Since you’ve already repackaged it on your computer, it sounds like you’ve resolved your issue. Please make sure that you review the documentation I provided to ensure that you’re packaging your project properly each time.
hey , when i try it in another computer it said i missing some dll file. so i download the dll file and put it in the same folder, it not ask the dll file again but this thing is happened
Did your package your project for shipping and distribution before packaging it? Can you tell me the steps that you take to package your project, like what changes did you make in the project settings or Unreal Frontend?
yes, i choose shipping when i package it. I package it like what it said in documentation, i think when i installing the prerequisite file like visual c++2015 on that computer it always show setup failed
Could you please send me screenshots of your packaging settings? Could you share your packaged project with me to see if it opens on my machine? If you’d like to keep it private, you can send the link to me through the forums.
do you mean this one settings? ok i will send my packaged project to you as soon as i get better internet connection.
- Have you tried to package with Windows64?
- Have you tried 4.11, 4.12 or 4.13 to see if this is an error only in 4.10?
- If you package a blank project, does the same error pop up when you’re on the same computer running the new packaged game?
i’ve tried windows64 but the same problem come, not tried in newer version of UE4 before 'cause i’m just use the 4.10 version, i think i will try to package blank project to see if it works or not on that computer.
Let me know if a blank project works or not, thank you.
i’ve try blank project to my friend machine, but it show the same problem. it can be my friend machine got an problem?
It sounds like that computer is just simply missing dlls that are needed to run the UE4 project.
Go through [this site][1] and verify that the computer has updated drivers, OS updates, etc.