I can’t seem to find documentation anywhere outside of a forum post that instructed:
- Open up a new Unreal 4.8 project
- Go to the Window (tab at the top) >> Plugins >> Audio >> Oculus Audio Plug >> click on the ‘Enable’ tab
- Reopen the Unreal 4.8 project
- In the ‘Content Browser’ select ‘Import’ and import a wav file
- Drag your .wav into the editor
- Now in your ‘Content Browser’ right-click go to ‘Sounds’ and create ‘New Sound Attenuation’
- Double-click on the ‘Sound Attenuation’ you just created
- Check off ‘Spatialize’ and ‘Spatialization Algorithm’ should be set to ‘spatialization HRTF’
- Now double-click on the ‘Audio Component’ you had thrown into the scene
- Under it’s ‘Details’ tab look for and enable ‘Allow Spatialization’
- Then under that where it says ‘Attenuation Settings’ choose the attenuation component you just created.
- Make sure you’re using a MONO sound source. I just spent two hours on this with a Stereo file duh!
Now as you walk around and away from the audio source it should smoothly transition around your head.
Is this accurate? I haven’t had any luck getting it to work.