Is GAS bad for the game with many enemies?

Hi all,

I was watching a video from Cronicler about their plugins for Lyra.
Plugin-afying Lyra: Shipping a Game on the UE5 Lyra Framework | Unreal Fest 2024

When he talks about gameplay abilities at 16:17 he mentions

it may not work for your particular game, maybe you’re shipping a game with 200 plus enemies on screen, millions of projectiles tens or you know even hundreds of players

Can someone point me in a direction to understand why GAS is bad for many enemies?

Because it does a lot of calculations per single bot. And its same reason why we have blackboards, and state trees. Those require less code and are faster than doing it all in blueprints. And generally doing more than around 200 bots/players requires well optimized code. Unreal was made for games like quake and unreal with max of players around 60-100 (and those goals/numbers) are still there, like most of code is optimized with that number in mind.

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thanks for the answer!
will there be any difference if we have many instances of the same bot? like in real-time strategy game?