I started to learn Unreal Engine a few days ago and hope to find some help here.
I used the third person map and changed the character mesh to a controllable sphere that can roll and jump. At the moment the sphere can also jump when its falling from platform. I want to avoid that.
So i tried to implement the function Is Falling, but it gives always ‘true’ back.
Have I missed something, what am I doing wrong?
Sorry for the beginner’s question, somehow I can’t find the solution that helps me.
If you’re planning to have a ball rather than a walking & talking biped, a Character class is probably an overkill and may give you a headache in the end. Just the very capsule component is probably a nuisance to have around. A Pawn + Floating Movement Component may be more suitable. Consider it.
However, you do you because why the heck not. So I did what you did:
The character class’s mesh is actually a skeletal mesh - there are bones, animations, physical assets and more. You’d need to create a skeletal mesh that Mesh(CharacterMesh0) can utilise. Do note that the character class inherits a lot of stuff already and has a ton of functionality of its own that you may not need or be unable to use since you want a simple ball instead.
Again, do consider using a pawn + floating pawn movement comp if you’re after simplicity - especially when you’re starting out.
Maybe this is the reason why IsFalling always true?
Unlikely. The movement component only cares about the capsule at the root. We’ve yet to see how you test it. Impossible to guess.