Is drawprimitive calls inclusive of Blueprint drawcalls?

Hi all,

I checked the guidence on standalone quests and the limit on drawcalls seems crazy!

50-150 on a quest 1 :face_with_spiral_eyes:

as its called primitive Iā€™d be suprised if it included blueprints but im not sure where 600 calls come from!

  • I reduced meshes
  • instanced them as blueprint actors with instance static meshes
  • removed transclucent materials
  • reduced collisions
  • set scalability to low settings
  • Light is static
  • no ray tracing
  • instance stereo and mobile multi view enabled
  • Removed AA
  • Reduced any texture sizes
  • Shader complexity is very simple and almost all are an instance of one material.

And when i built to quest its still unstable as an APK on my quest pro.

Any guidence on blueprint impact would be helpful or if there is something glaringly obvious Iv missed would be so helpful!



GPU Profile

Stat GPU

Im aware these stats are while in editor but in play mode the most expensive part of the scene is:

primative draws are 600
to draw a frame takes 0.08 ms
about 100k primatives being drawn
mobile scene render drops to 1.1
Thanks for any advise and information :slight_smile: