I’m using a translucent material with Disable Depth Test to render objects behind walls and other geometry.
The material works very well on PC but not on Mobile, the material effectively shows with Depth Test enabled on Android devices (Samsung S3, HTC One) and Mobile Preview.
The issue can also be tested on PC using Mobile Preview (says PCD3D_ES2). Any translucent material with Disable Depth Test can be hidden by other geometry, in other words, depth test does not get disabled.
Thank you for reporting this issue. Would you be able to provide a device that would be capable of recreating this issue and the material used to recreate this issue? (I was a bit unsure if the S3 and the HTC One were devices we could use to recreate the issue or if those devices worked correctly and did not show the issue) Also, for a device that the issue is occurring on, could you provide the OS version for that device and the model number?
Any additional information we could use to recreate the issue would be greatly appreciated.
To be more specific, to reproduce this issue I simply create a material with Blend Mode: Translucent, Shading Model: Unlit and Disable Depth Test checked. On Mobile Preview the object using this material is rendered as if it had no Disable Depth Test.
Thank you for reporting this issue. I was able to recreate the issue that you have been seeing. I have also entered this issue into our bug database so that the the may may be fixed in a future release.
Thanks for all of the information that you have provide and have a great day!