Is a blueprint asset the same as doing blueprinting?

I’m reading the tutorial Components and Collision from Unreal it says:

Hard-coding Asset paths, like the Static Mesh for the sphere in this example, is not generally considered a best practice; we would usually create the Component in the constructor, make it editable, then create a Blueprint Asset in Unreal Editor and set up the Static Mesh Asset there…

I don’t understand what it is talking about when they say: “… create a Blueprint Asset…”.

Do I have to create a blueprint asset with the static mesh I have hardcoded or with the C++ class?

I’m confuse because I have checked that I don’t need to Blueprinting a C++ class to add it to a map and much less to set it a Static Mesh in Unreal Editor.

Yes, I know that. I’m asking about blueprint asset. I don’t know if the blueprint asset is the C++ blueprinted or the Static Mesh blueprinted.

The main point is that hard coding an asset path is not a good thing, because if you move the asset, your code won’t work anymore.

Make an editable ‘slot’ in the constructor, to which you can assign a blueprint asset. That blueprint holds the sphere.

That’s what it infers at any rate.