Irremovable LogEOS error in every UE5.5 project.

I strive to keep all my projects clean without any warnings and errors, so it frustrates me that in 5.5, every of my projects starts up with following error:

LogEOSSDK: Warning: LogEOS: Error response received from backend. ServiceName=[Friend], OperationName=[GetBlockList], Url=[], HttpStatus=[403], ErrorCode=[], NumericErrorCode=[1056], ErrorMessage=[Insufficient access scopes. Expected: [friends_list]]

How can I get rid of it?

EDIT: The warning goes away upon disabling Fab plugin. This is quite lame as official Epic plugin should not just throw random warnings.

i have same every project. those which works 5.3-5.4 get those error in 5.5

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can epic fix this or is it just ignoring game devs lol. should making proper engines without bugs

also getting this error, cant figure out how to fix it, did you guys make any progress?

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