Irregular Animotify-interval


I’m having a little (quite annoying) problem with my footstep-animnotifies which I can’t for the life of me get rid of. I’ll first explain the problem in text, then I will show you a video of it to make it a little easier to understand.

Let’s imagine I start my game and press W to walk forwards. The walkanimation starts and thus the animnotifies are called. If I would never release the button, all would be fine. Now the problem: When stopping the walk-animation after an odd number of footsteps/notifies and then deciding to start walking again, the interval between the two notifies being called is off (Now my character sounds like a horse-human-hybrid, which is not quite what I was going for). An odd number of steps always changes it around again.

Here a video to better explain it (Sorry for the sub-par quality):

This is how the animation in question is set up:

Here the animation is played:

The statemachine:

Here I call my C+±function when the notify is fired:

It’s a little hard to tell, but it really seems that it’s the actual animation that is played in this weird fashion and not just the notifies being called at the wrong times. The problem isn’t caused by my C+±code or the sounds-settings though. A debugmessage made it very obvious, that the function is already called in the wrong interval.

Maybe somebody has come across a similar problem and thus has an explanation to why something like this could happen. I’m really curious what’s causing this :slight_smile:

Thank you for taking the time!