Iris Replication Filtering

Hi all!
I can’t figure out how to work with the “Iris Replication” system. I connected it using this article:
Migrate to Iris in Unreal Engine | Unreal Engine 5.4 Documentation | Epic Developer Community .
It seems to be connected to the log:
LogNet: InitBase GameNetDriver (NetDriverDefinition GameNetDriver) using replication model Iris
LogIris: Display: Iris ReplicationSystem[1] is created.
Next I try using this article:
Iris Filtering in Unreal Engine | Unreal Engine 5.4 Documentation | Epic Developer Community .
Initially, all actors are replicated as usual. For example, I want to make sure that some actor stops replicating to a certain connection, as I understand it, filters are needed for this. I tried different options and could not achieve the desired result. As a result, I have this method.

void AMyIris::AddUnit(AActor* actorPtr, APlayerController* controllerPtr)
UReplicationSystem* ReplicationSystem = UE::Net::FReplicationSystemUtil::GetReplicationSystem(actorPtr);
UActorReplicationBridge* ReplicationBridge = UE::Net::FReplicationSystemUtil::GetActorReplicationBridge(actorPtr);
UE::Net::FNetRefHandle RepActorNetRefHandle = ReplicationBridge->GetReplicatedRefHandle(actorPtr);

UE::Net::FNetObjectGroupHandle GroupHandle = ReplicationSystem->CreateGroup();

uint32 ConnectionId = controllerPtr->GetNetConnection()->GetConnectionId();
ReplicationSystem->SetGroupFilterStatus(GroupHandle, ConnectionId, UE::Net::ENetFilterStatus::Disallow);	
ReplicationSystem->AddToGroup(GroupHandle, RepActorNetRefHandle);


I get the system, then the bridge, then the actor’s identifier. Then I create a group and add this actor to this group. Then I add the group to the system and give it a rule to turn off the actor. The tutorial uses the AddGroupFilter method… but there is no such method, probably referring to AddExclusionFilterGroup in this case. As a result, the actor continues to replicate to the connection, although logically it shouldn’t.
Thanks in advance!