got apple developer account and followed the steps as documentation said, and i couldn’t build the app.
i checked up my steps and noticed there’s a error in my IPhonePackager.exe
here’s the error:
Could not find file ‘UnrealEngine\UE4.12.5\Engine\Build\IOS\UE4Game-Info.plist’.
and the screenshot of my error:
i downloaded the UE source code from github, and rebuild whole solution on development(instead of development editor) many times and nothing changed.
when i try to build, this happens:
MainFrameActions: Packaging (iOS): Program.Main: AutomationTool exiting with ExitCode=5 (5)
Hi .
thanks for reply. i downloaded another 4.12.5 from luncher, and there was no luck.
well, when i use IPP the error for UE4Game-Info.plist appears, and when i use project settings for importing, both mobile provision and certificate are valid! but not green! but when i uncheck both of them, they become green! i think that’s a bug somewhere. i checked my bundleID and name, when i change them to something else the provision become yellow and “Identifier not match” appears in status. so i think there’s no problem with my certificate or provision authorization.
also successful importing of provision and certificate and the key in to IPP should report back as green checks! right? there’s no checks either…
i think the main problem caused by UE4Game-Info.plist . somewhere something links to it and when it’s not available, things can not do what they must do.
Have you tried packaging just through the editor, without the iPhonePackager.exe? Please try this with the provisions & certs unselected so that they are highlighted green, choosing one pak file (instead of in chunks) and include Debug Files.
It is possible that there could be a problem with your build… Have you seen any errors? Have you tried rebuilding?
Try packaging again, through the editor. In order for us to properly evaluate the issue, please provide the entire output log and, if they are generated, the debug files from this packaging attempt.
i renewed my windows, installed visual studio2015, downloaded UE4 source from GitHub, and built the engine(development and development editor).
and created some Blueprint projects from templates and still cant package or launch(on device) anything.i’m downloading 4.13 right now to see that works.
i appreciate your help, here’s the error: link text
I recommend sticking with the Launcher version in order to launch directly to iOS devices. However, if you absolutely need to use the Github version, you would need to build the binary executable of the Engine as it is not supplied as part of the GitHub version, which includes libraries needed to launch directly to an iOS device.
However, this option is not officially supported so there is no documentation how to do this. However, Ben Marsh describes the process on the following link:
*If you’re still having trouble with the Launcher version (Not from GitHub) please test by creating a new Third Person Blueprint Project and package for iOS to a folder on your desktop. If this fails, please post the output log.
Thanks . i dont know exactly what the problem was, but it seems there was a problem with my windows build(16393). i installed another build, downloaded engine from launcher and create new blueprint project. everything works smoothly now.
Hi , I came across this problem when importing provision in UE4 4.14.2, as import via IPP it’s green but when i open project settings it’s still not valid, and i copied the ue4game-info.plist from intermediate to build folder since there doesn’t has anything, and as well there’s no info.plist for my project in build folder. Can you advise?