I keep getting “the global shader cache file 'Saved/StagedBuilds/MacNoEditor/Engine/GlobalShaderCache-SF_METAL_SM5.bin is missing” when launching to the new phone.
Strange thing is same project deploys to ipad and iphone 6s running 4.11
Thanks for any help/advice
Clearly trying to use XXX/MacNoEditor/XXX is the issue - but why is it using that?
Has anyone deployed a UE4 project to the new iphone successfully?
(Just knowing it is possible will motivate me)
Yes, but it crashes on load. Still trying to figure out why. Unfortunately I think it’s related to SDK 12 rather than UE and we don’t get a choice about what SDK we use. I’m continuing to investigate.
I need to take a moment to rant. All of this happened this week:
Upgraded to UE 4.20
SDK 12 came out
Switched to Xs Max
Needed to do a release
Had to revoke and recreate pretty much every certificate, solve bugs, wait on bugs to be solved.
Literally nothing is working right now, and Android has been a complete failure too. Man I wish all of these things would stop aligning.
Have you upgraded to the latest version of XCode on your remote Mac (is it still in Beta?)? It’s something to try…
Ah well. I don’t have an Xs Max to test but I do know that the whole UE iOS deployment process is fraught with difficulty. It still remains somewhat of a black art to me.
I blame Apple but Epic could do more to help us poor devs with these issues.
September 30, 2018, 8:00pm
We deploy to iOS (had to fork the engine), I do wonder if UE4 has been tested on the new iPhone’s as I don’t yet see the new screenshot resolutions in the editor.
October 5, 2018, 5:45pm
Has anyone gotten a successful build working on an iPhone XS or iPhone XS Max?
I was able to find the UDID and get it to build but the app will always crash when trying to launch.
I just got this in response to filing it as a bug submission:
I ran into a similar issue after updating to iOS 12. (Stuck on Spash Screen)
I was able to resolve it by deploying/packaging with Xcode running.
Let me know if that resolves what you’re seeing.
Trying it now…
Nope, that didn’t help.
I did manage to get some console output by switching projects. This appears to be the issue here: Apps distributed internally to our… | Apple Developer Forums
They also discuss a potential fix.
Oct 6 18:10:47 iPhone SpringBoard[52] <Notice>: Running <SBAppToAppWorkspaceTransaction: 0x10e07a5a0> for transition request:
<SBMainWorkspaceTransitionRequest: 0x282ea8b80; eventLabel: SBUIApplicationIconLaunchEventLabel; display: Main; source: HomeScreen> {
applicationContext = <SBWorkspaceApplicationSceneTransitionContext: 0x2837b89a0; background: NO> entities = {
SBLayoutRolePrimary = <SBDeviceApplicationSceneEntity: 0x2820bd5e0; ID: com.poppyandbuddy; layoutRole: primary>;
Oct 6 18:10:47 iPhone SpringBoard(FrontBoard)[52] <Notice>: Bootstrapping com.poppyandbuddy with intent foreground-interactive
Oct 6 18:10:47 iPhone assertiond[62] <Notice>: Submitting new job for "com.poppyandbuddy" on behalf of <BKProcess: 0x100b0fb40; SpringBoard; com.apple.springboard; pid: 52; agency: SystemShell; visibility: foreground; task: running>
Oct 6 18:10:47 iPhone kernel(AppleMobileFileIntegrity)[0] <Notice>: AMFI: '/private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/0FFA9980-56C1-44F1-BC7B-0AA71F5B0233/PoppyAndBuddy419.app/PoppyAndBuddy419' does not pass CT evaluation, result: 0x80008
Oct 6 18:10:47 iPhone kernel(AppleMobileFileIntegrity)[0] <Notice>: AMFI: '/private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/0FFA9980-56C1-44F1-BC7B-0AA71F5B0233/PoppyAndBuddy419.app/PoppyAndBuddy419': Unrecoverable CT signature issue, bailing out.
Oct 6 18:10:47 iPhone assertiond[62] <Notice>: Submitted job with label: UIKitApplication:com.poppyandbuddy[0xd80b][62]
Oct 6 18:10:47 iPhone assertiond[62] <Notice>: Unable to get pid for 'UIKitApplication:com.poppyandbuddy[0xd80b][62]': No such process (3)
Oct 6 18:10:47 iPhone assertiond[62] <Error>: Failed to start job with error <NSError: 0x100a47b00; domain: NSPOSIXErrorDomain; code: 3; reason: "No such process"> {
description = "Unable to get pid for label UIKitApplication:com.poppyandbuddy[0xd80b][62]";
failureReason = "No such process";
userInfo = {
BKLaunchdJobLabel = UIKitApplication:com.poppyandbuddy[0xd80b][62];
BKLaunchdOperation = launch_get_running_pid_4SB;
Oct 6 18:10:47 iPhone assertiond[62] <Notice>: Deleted job with label: UIKitApplication:com.poppyandbuddy[0xd80b][62]
Oct 6 18:10:47 iPhone SpringBoard(AssertionServices)[52] <Error>: [com.poppyandbuddy] Bootstrap failed with error: <NSError: 0x280dd5080; domain: BKSProcessErrorDomain; code: 1 (bootstrap-failed); reason: "Failed to start job">
Oct 6 18:10:47 iPhone SpringBoard(FrontBoard)[52] <Error>: Bootstrapping failed for <FBApplicationProcess: 0x1056a0290; com.poppyandbuddy; pid: -1> with error: Error Domain=BKSProcessErrorDomain Code=1 "Unable to bootstrap process with bundleID com.poppyandbuddy" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Unable to bootstrap process with bundleID com.poppyandbuddy, BKSProcessExitReason=0, NSLocalizedFailureReason=Failed to start job, NSUnderlyingError=0x280dd4270 {Error Domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code=3 "No such process" UserInfo={BKLaunchdOperation=launch_get_running_pid_4SB, NSLocalizedDescription=Unable to get pid for label UIKitApplication:com.poppyandbuddy[0xd80b][62], BKLaunchdJobLabel=UIKitApplication:com.poppyandbuddy[0xd80b][62], NSLocalizedFailureReason=No such process}}, BKSProcessJobLabel=UIKitApplication:com.poppyandbuddy[0xd80b][62], BSErrorCodeDescription=bootstrap-failed}
Oct 6 18:10:47 iPhone SpringBoard(FrontBoard)[52] <Notice>: Adding: <FBApplicationProcess: 0x1056a0290; com.poppyandbuddy; pid: -1>
Oct 6 18:10:47 iPhone SpringBoard(FrontBoard)[52] <Notice>: <FBApplicationProcess: 0x1056a0290; com.poppyandbuddy; pid: -1> exited.
Oct 6 18:10:47 iPhone SpringBoard(FrontBoard)[52] <Notice>: Removing: <FBApplicationProcess: 0x1056a0290; com.poppyandbuddy; pid: -1>
Oct 6 18:10:47 iPhone SpringBoard[52] <Notice>: Application process state changed for com.poppyandbuddy: <SBApplicationProcessState: 0x280190140; pid: -1; taskState: Not Running; visibility: Unknown>
Oct 6 18:10:47 iPhone SpringBoard[52] <Notice>: Process exited: <FBApplicationProcess: 0x1056a0290; com.poppyandbuddy; pid: -1> -> <FBApplicationProcessExitContext: 0x280dd7480; exitReason: (none); terminationReason: (none)> {
stateAtExit = <FBProcessState: 0x280113ba0; pid: -1; taskState: Unknown; visibility: Unknown>;
Oct 6 18:10:47 iPhone SpringBoard[52] <Notice>: Application process state changed for com.poppyandbuddy: (null)
Oct 6 18:10:48 iPhone SpringBoard[52] <Notice>: Front display did change: <SBApplication: 0x283fbb2a0; com.poppyandbuddy>
Update: the fix above worked for me. Unfortunately my app still displays a white screen + UMG instead of the actual 3D scene.
October 15, 2018, 6:39pm
So no way of getting a build working for development purposes on windows?
As far as I can tell, no. The UDID I have for my XS Max, while it’s correct on the iTunes Connect site, still doesn’t work when deploying in UE. So it’s not just a Windows thing at least.