iPhone does not show up in Device Manager

Since re-installing Windows, I’ve been unable to see my iPhone in the Device Manager and unable to deploy to it. Certificate and identifier are all valid and green, everything else looks right. This all worked until very recently so I can’t figure out what has changed. Any help would be appreciated!

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Make sure you have installed iTunes. This installs a bunch of Apple / iDevice drivers along with it.

Also take a look through the UE4 documentation about iTunes etc. There’s a difference if you have installed via the Microsoft store vs downloaded the installer from Apple’s website.



@lonescrapbot - thanks, that did it. I had iTunes installed, but I had installed it through the Microsoft store. Downloading directly from Apple fixed the problem. (Use link at bottom of iTunes page “Looking for other versions?” > Windows)

Has anyone else encountered this issue with UE5?

I have a project with Provisioning Profile, Certificate, set up and valid, and it works fine and recognises my iphone on my computer.

My colleague however cannot see his iphone in his device manager. We have itunes installed, visual studio, the dotnet apk, etc. etc. but still no sign of the iphone in the device manager.

Would hugely appreciate any solutions anyone facing the same problem has found!